Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Did You Win? Or Did You Concede Defeat?

Today is the last day of NaNoWriMo!

I know you are aching to stop typing, but you just have to make that last 2% in order to win! While this might be the longest race you have run, take a moment to revel in the excitement of realizing your ability to create a story. Remember the battle you had with writer's block? Well, you won! Congratulate yourself for the stamina you have gained, and feel good about the fact that you wrote more in one month than you have written in all the years you have been in school!

BUT, it isn't time to party yet. We still have editing and revising to tackle. So, just as you are beginning to feel good about your accomplishment, sit back down, push up your sleeves, and start the countdown for winter break - that is when you will finally be able to relax.

Monday, November 28, 2011

When will you be a winner?

By today you should be near 90% complete. 

If you have not finished your novel, but have already won, keep writing! Oh, yeah - CONGRATS!